One Day Service
1 business day (Order today, delivered tomorrow) is charged with additional cost Rp. 10.000/pc for neopigment and rubber printing type.
Additional cost Rp 15.000/pc for ODS full print. ODS cut off time is payment confirmation received before 14.00 o’clock. Payment confirmation
which is received after 14.00 o’clock is considered to be tomorrow ODS.
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan sebelum order
Order with a large number is recommended to make a sample first.
Any complaints will not be followed up if you do not make a sample.
Do not change the full print pattern size provided on the website. If it is proven not according to our
authentic size, any complaint forms cannot be followed up. (Full print)
Untuk menghindari resolusi gambar yang diprint pecah, kami sarankan customer menyediakan gambar kualitas standart printing kami.
For rubber printing process with a too small design, the customer must provide stroke line so in order
to process of pressing and cutting rubber can be run, if there is no stroke line we are not responsible for the design result.
To avoid any mistakes on design printing dimension and print area, submit details of size dimension
and print area in system order note.
Prosedur Print
If there is a mistake when the printing is performed (stain spots, folded t-shirt, unexpected print
result), we replace by reprinting with condition t-shirt is provided by the customer.
If you want to print with your own t-shirt, make sure the t-shirt has no hole, damaged, stain, etc.
because we cannot accept complaints related to the fabric quality.
Jenis data file untuk Produksi
Untuk data kami sarankan sudah dalam bentuk JPG/PNG.
Apabila data yang dikirimkan akan diedit, informasikan kepada admin / tulis di note pada web, supaya bisa dibantu dalam edit design.
Untuk resolusi file design: 150 dpi/inch.
We use Dropbox to take the data so we recommend you to make Dropbox account
( Why Dropbox? Our system is directly integrated with Dropbox. We prefer Dropbox
because of its unlimited upload and download speed so downloading and uploading are faster.
Retur & Pengembalian barang
Time limitation for item returning is 2 days after the items received/taken with damaged condition
caused by the production. Return process uses JNE Reguler from order address.
Kerusakan yang bisa diklaim:
Size Kaos yang diterima melebihi batas toleransi kurang atau lebih dari 2-3 cm dari ukuran di website.
Hasil cetak terkelupas atau miring.
Design yang dicetak tidak sesuai dengan yang dikirimkan ke system order.
Jahitan kaos Fullprint salah posisi. (Fullprint)
Kerusakan yang tidak bisa diklaim:
Untuk kaos yang dibawa oleh klien, hasil cetak rusak karena cacat bahan bawaan, bukan tanggung jawab kami.
Warna berbeda antara monitor dengan hasil cetakan (dianjurkan melakukan test print).
Hasil cetak pecah karena data file tidak bagus.
Ukuran dimensi pola berbeda dengan yang kami sediakan di website(Fullprint).
Tidak ada keterangan detail ukuran cetak dan cetak area yang jelas.
Kenapa warna hasil jadi print dengan design di komputer berbeda?
Simak penjelasan berikut:
Warna Primer vs Warna Sekunder
Warna primer: warna terlihat sebagai hasik sorotan dari cahaya di balik layar monitor.
Warna sekunder: warna hasil print yang terlihat karena pantulan sinar.
Bahan menentukan hasil print.
Setiap bahan memiliki karakteristik sendiri yang akan membedakan reaksi kimia saat proses printing.
Pengaturan color profile sebelum mendesign.
2 cara untuk menghindari hasil print yang berbeda:
Gunakanlah sample pack kami sebagai patokan warna
Lakukan test printing untuk memastikan warn hasil produksi sesuai dengan yang diinginkan.
Waktu Produksi
Duration of production is 3-5 business day. Duration of production is counted after the transfer
confirmation is received. If the confirmation received before 14.00 o’clock, the process will be run on
that day. After 14.00 o’clock process is counted start from tomorrow.
Business day means Monday to Friday, not including national holiday or mass leave holiday. For Eid
Fitri and end of the year holiday, we always inform before the holiday dates.
Prosedur sistem Dropship
Sistem dibuat untuk mendukung sistem dropship.
Register as a member to start drop-shipping because your membership has function as sender name
and address when running a drop-ship.
For delivery to the customer: submit customer data on order page. On the delivery sheet, what will
be written are your name and address as seller and customer as the receiver. name will
not be shown.
Proses pengiriman
Pengiriman dilakukan menggunakan jasa JNE Jakarta. Biaua bisa di cek di
The weight of each material is different. Average 1 kg is able to cover 4-5 pcs t-shirt. Automatically
counts the delivery cost.
Untuk jenis pick-up menggunakan Gojek wajib disertajan nomor order pemesanan.
Untuk pengambilan langsung, pastikan konfirmasi terlebih dahulu baru diambil di kantor